July 3rd & 4th, 2024
Wind River Country
Brad Christensen
The bull rider may use only one hand to stay aboard during the eight-second ride. If he touches the bull or himself with his free hand, he receives no score. But unlike the other rough stock contestants, bull riders are not required to mark out their animals. While spurring a bull can add to the cowboy's score, riders are commonly judged solely on their ability to stay aboard the twisting, bucking mass of muscle.
To stay aboard the bull, a rider grasps a flat braided rope, which is wrapped around the bull's chest just behind the front legs and over its withers. One end of the bull rope, called the tail, is threaded through a loop on the other end and tightened around the bull. The rider then wraps the tail around his hand, sometimes weaving it through his fingers to further secure his grip.
Bull fighters and clowns are available to assist the cowboy if needed.
Wind River Country
Brad Christensen
The barrel pattern is fairly simple; there are three barrels set up in a triangular pattern and each rider must turn each barrel in a clover leaf pattern as fast as they can. Riders may choose to run a pattern that requires one right hand turn and two left hand turns or vice versa. The diagram below illustrates a right handed pattern, which is where the rider chooses the barrel on the right to be their first barrel.
They will then move in a straight line across the pen to barrel two, where they will make a left handed turn. From there, the rider will head straight to barrel three for another left hand turn before finally sending the horse back across the timer line.
Wind River Country
Brad Christensen
Mon - Fri: 7am - 10pm
​​Saturday: 8am - 10pm
​Sunday: 8am - 11pm